
Wild Card

Apple Products Through the Years     Apple Computer, Inc . was created on April 1, 1976, in Los Altos, California. As we all should know, Apple is one of the most successful companies in the market for technology these days. Apple was created by two college dropouts, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Tim Cook is now the CEO of Apple and serves on the board of directors. Now let's take a walk down memory lane.     Introducing Apple I, also known as the very first Apple product in 1976. The Apple I was probably as basic as it could get but also very advanced at the time. All I can say is if you handed me this thing today, I am not confident that I would know how to operate it. Apple I was sold for $666.66 mainly because he said that he liked the repetition of the numbers and because this was one-third markup from the wholesale price of $500.00. Today you could buy one of these computers for between $300,000 and $700,000.           Next up we have the Apple II which was released in 1977.

Forecasting the Future

    Thinking about the future of technology and communication can be both exciting and scary at the same time. I often sit back and think about where it all started and where we will continue to go. In my twenty-one years of life I have watched technology advance more than I thought was possible. Just when I thought I couldn't be impressed more, something even more advanced comes out. I think it is safe to say that it literally blows my mind and I feel it hard to wrap my head around the technology we have today.     Starting from the beginning, the first computer was invented in 1822 by Charles Cabbage but he referred to it as the "Difference Engine". The government was using a form of internet in the 1960s in order to communicate with each other but at this time there were no mobile computers and the internet was not available to the public. Traveling through time to the year 1981, Adam Osborne made the very first laptop that weighed almost twenty-five pounds. Shortly a


      In our world today, technology is changing and improving drastically. As technology improves in a good way it will always be advancing in harmful ways as well. Technology will continue to get smarter but the good will just have to take a few steps ahead of the cyber attacks and this is what cybersecurity is for. Cybersecurity is the protection of digital systems, devices, networks, and information that is not accessible to outsiders along with theft and damage to a system. Different companies have their own forms of cybersecurity that can consist of techniques and technological safeguard systems that flag and attack cyber threats like malware, hacking, and ransomware attacks. Cybersecurity is put in place to stop viruses, hackers, or anything of the sort from breaking into your systems. Most cybersecurity programs include firewalls which basically are several tough layers of protection that the hacker would have to break through in order to get to the information they are searchi

Mobile Apps

     These days you can do just about anything on your mobile device. Every day our technology is expanding with new apps that make our lives a little bit easier. In the past, if you were thinking about getting rid of your clothes or selling them for a little extra cash then you would have to take your items to a resell shop such as Plato's Closet. Now, there are apps like Poshmark, Curtsy, and Mercari that make selling your old clothes from your couch possible. All three of these apps are very similar in a lot of ways, each of them just has a few minor details that make their app unique. How do these apps work you might ask? Well, let me give you the rundown.      Poshmark     Poshmark allows you to post your old clothing items, shoes, gadget, and just about anything else you can think of. Items that you typically see on Posmark are work clothes, athletic clothes, all kinds of shoes, and sunglasses, and now and then you will run across technology. Selling your items is as easy as